Gut Health for Cattle | 116 Days on OGS
In November, 2021 we started working with a producer in Northern Virginia. He has a grower operation that is methodically split by age and gender which gave us the opportunity to trial a group of weaned heifers for 116 days on our gut health supplement, OGS Ruminant Formula. For the first 10 days the group was offered OGS free choice. Starting on day 11, they received OGS mixed in with their feed which was simply ground ear corn. The herd was offered quality forage throughout the 116 days.
OGS or Organic Gut Solution is a proprietary blend of activated organic carbon designed to optimize pH, binds to mycotoxins and gram-positive bacterias, and as a result, improves the gut health of cattle, which is exactly what this producer saw.
The heifers were healthier, grew at a greater rate, and were easier to manage. Their bloom, muscle development, and body condition was far superior than other calves grown in similar conditions. Below are the numbers reflecting the calves in this group.
January in Virginia was rough, but this group wintered well. On March 11, 2022 the group of cattle went to the sale where their weights were impressive. This group was weighed after arriving at the sale so the numbers displayed below include any weight lost in travel. Overall the group saw a 2.9 ADG, which is 0.5 lbs. higher than what was expected per head per day. The return on investment (ROI) for this producer was huge! He factored in the reduction of feed (OGS increases feed efficiency), weight gain, and increase in price.
“I have always used only ear corn in the past and never seen weight gain like this.Their long winter hair was gone and they were slick and shiny. I will definitely be adding OGS from now on.”
What’s the difference between OGS Ruminant Formula and OGS Bovine Formula?
OGS Ruminant Formula is a livestock supplement designed exclusively for producers. If you would like to learn more, please contact us directly. OGS Bovine Formula is a cattle supplement designed for a small herd of cattle, a show project, or homestead. At Verticarb, we create scalable solutions designed for beef and dairy cattle. We have a team of reps nation-wide available to set up a consultation today!
Are you a producer in or near Virginia? Be sure to come to our upcoming event in Marshall!